"The Music & Entertainment Industries supporting Childrens Charities"

Apply for a Grant

The Golden Stave Foundation - Funds Distribution Grant Applications

We accept grant applications annually in the month of November. Successful applications will be notified in March of the following year .

Annual submissions will be only be accepted from November 1st to the closing date of November 30th each year.

To apply for a Grant from the Golden Stave Foundation, your organisation must fit the following criteria.

Application Criteria

  • Applicants will only be accepted from a registered children’s charity in the state of New South Wales with DGR status
  • All grant monies must be spent within the next 12 months from approval within the state of New South Wales
  • Applications must have the application form completed and be accompanied by the Organisation’s latest Annual Report.

Under the criteria, no monies donated by the Golden Stave Foundation is to be spent on administration, ie. salaries, office equipment etc. and all donated funds must be expended within a twelve month period upon receipt of funding (unless otherwise agreed by prior arrangement).

Your application must clearly state what the monies are for with clear desciptions of projects and items to be purchased. Please send your completed Application for Grant Form, together with a copy of your current Annual Report and a copy of your Organisation's current details listed on the Australian Business Register website (www.abr.gov.au, search the Public Register and print out the one page Report for your ABN), to :

Larry Warren
General Manager
Golden Stave Foundation
PO Box 879
Cherrybrook NSW 2126

Our preference is that applcations be submitted electronically vai email to larry@goldenstave.com.au

Click here to download application form.

The Golden Stave Golf Day 2025

19 Mar 25 - The Golden Stave Golf Day Featuring the 'David Gilchrist Ambrose Challenge' will be held on Friday 9th May at the Beverley Park Golf Club.

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